International Business Strategy

International Business Strategy

While Dunning’s OLI model provides a general paradigm for
explaining the determinants of foreign direct investment, its use in
designing an international corporate strategy, as defined by Head, is
limited and requires more specific models for the task. Discuss”

. The following important p
oints are
highlighted relating to assessments:
Regulations to undertake all elements of assessment and examination (for students admitted to the School
in and after September 2010
Noted to highlight the importance of attempting ALL elements of assessme
nt (essays, presentations, exams)
Students following a BA/BSc, LLM, MA, MMus or MSc programme must undertake all elements of assessment
and examination prescribed for that course. Therefore (unless prevented by illness or other adequate cause for
which ce
rtification must be provided) students must undertake each element of assessment and examination
prescribed for the course, and must submit sufficient work to enable them to be assessed or examined.
Marking of over

length coursework and dissertations
e word limit prescribed for each piece of assessed coursework is a maximum. Assessments are designed to
enable students to achieve excellent marks without writing to the limit. There is consequently no specific
penalty for work that is under

length. Under

length work is dealt with by the normal provisions of the marking
Penalty scale for over

length coursework
Marks will be deducted for work that exceeds the
prescribed word limit on a sliding scale:
Excess Length
Mark Deduction (Percentage points)
Up to and including 10%
5 percentage points
More than 10% up to and including 20%
10 percentage points
More than 20% up to and including 30%
15 percentage points
More than 30%
The work may be submitted and will be
accepted. It will not be marked but will be
assigned a grade of 0