Informational memo

Topic: Informational memo
Hope you are well. This my third order for you and i will placed another 6 memos to be written soon.

Please complete writing this Memo on this article which is uploaded in the order panel
Enrolling People With Prediabetes
Ages 60?64 In A Proven Weight
Loss Program Could Save Medicare
$7 Billion Or More
I finished the introduction and the conclusion… Just please write the body part ( 200 words) and recommendation (75 words)…Please checked what is required in the marking guide?
Please see the example provided to know the expectations and see the instructions below and the uploaded marking guide. This unit about health policy concept and required writing 6 memos and other papers as well. This the first one
This one of the objective of this unit
– Synthesize and utilize concepts and empirical information regarding the U.S.
healthcare system.
a. Conduct biweekly topline analyses of current health policy issues. Submit
one-page briefing memo weekly.
b. Select a current health care policy to analyze in depth.
c. Provide analysis and recommendations about the selected health care
policy through both an in-class presentation and a policy brief that
incorporates empirical data, political analysis, and decision-maker
d. Work effectively with a team to analyze current proposed health legislation
or to develop health legislation. Collect, analyze, and synthesize
information; prepare a detailed policy proposal; conduct a policy briefing.

Please see the marking guide in the panel ( important)
Biweekly health policy analyses will be completed individually outside of class, taking the form of a one-page briefing or decision memo for
your boss (real or imagined). Examples are uploaded. These require
practical application of course material from both readings and lectures to address a
current health policy topic. These may be subjective in nature ? though not merely
opinion or data-free .

-it can be Informational Memo about the topic to my Manager
– formal
– Evidence
Use data and facts to support the premises
A note about writing:
The biweekly memos and the midterm assessment, as well as the group policy analysis
exercise, will be evaluated on the basis of clarity of thought and expression and content that is
appropriate to a professional, managerial audience. The ability to analyze information,
synthesize it, and clearly convey it in writing is critical to any professional endeavor. Whether
your envisioned career is in public health practice, health management, in academia, or in some
other field, clear, concise writing will be an important part of your success. Use the writing
exercises in this course as practice for your future.

Some important points about sourcing your material:

1. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source unless you are making a point about the
widespread availability of undocumented information available via the Internet.

2. Memos need not be referenced, though you may consider whether referring to a source may establish credibility ? e.g., ?The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates thatraising the age of Medicare eligibility to 67 could reduce mandatory spending by $90.4 billion from 2010 to 2019: $85.6 billion in Medicare and $6.8 billion in Social Security.?