Information Systems Analysis & Modelling

It requires you to develop an information system_x000D_
model for a system of your own choice. The aim is to get you to apply many of the system analysis and_x000D_
modelling techniques discussed and illustrated in lectures and tutorials to a real, or at least realistic, case of_x000D_
non-trivial but still reasonable and do-able complexity._x000D_
Choosing your system_x000D_
As stated in the Introduction, the choice of which system to analyse and model is up to you. However, here_x000D_
are some rough guidelines to assist you in your choice:_x000D_
1 Try to choose a system for an area or application about which you know a considerable amount or_x000D_
about which you are in a position to find out what you need to know. Examples might be a system_x000D_
related to your current work (if you are presently employed) or previous work experience, a hobby or_x000D_
interest that you have, or perhaps a system that you or a colleague or friend needs. My experience_x000D_
in running earlier versions of this course shows unambiguously that this assignment will work best_x000D_
(and you will learn the most from it) if you choose to analyse and develop a model for a system that_x000D_
relates to the “real” world in some way, rather than one that is completely fictional and invented_x000D_
entirely “within your own head”._x000D_
2 Try to choose a system of a reasonable size and level of complexity. This will probably be hard to_x000D_
judge initially, but it is generally better to choose a system that is more likely to turn out to be too big_x000D_
or complex rather than one that may turn out to be too small or simple. The reason for this is that, if_x000D_
your choice does turn out to be too big or complex, you can always reduce the scope of your_x000D_
intended system or choose to model only part of it. On the other hand, if your choice turns out to be_x000D_
too simple and small to form a useful assignment exercise, it is generally harder to expand it to make_x000D_
it more suitable as a worthwhile learning experience as well as the basis for an acceptable_x000D_
assignment submission. Although we won’t discuss these metrics until mid-way through the course_x000D_
(so they will be less useful to you at the beginning), one useful indicator of size and complexity of a_x000D_
project is the number of entities in its data model. If this turns out to be somewhere around 6-8 for_x000D_
your project then you probably have a suitably sized system for this assignment, although these_x000D_
numbers should definitely not be treated as hard limits. However, if the number of entities in your_x000D_
data model is significantly fewer than 6 then the model is probably too small and simple to be a_x000D_
useful learning exercise; and if it is many more than 8 then it is probably starting to get too large to_x000D_
feasibly tackle. Another indicator is the number of levels you find yourself going down to in your DFD_x000D_
hierarchy. If this is more than two for the first few processes you decompose, and there are more_x000D_
than about seven processes on your level 0 diagram, then your chosen system is highly likely to be_x000D_
too big and you may have to reduce its scope or simply leave parts of the model incomplete._x000D_
Your tasks and deliverables_x000D_
Your second assignment deliverable is a mid-project progress report. This is to be provided digitally via_x000D_
Wattle and carries a weighting of 10% of the total project mark. In fact, calling this deliverable a “progress_x000D_
report” is somewhat misleading since it is not to be a formal report describing what progress you have made_x000D_
to date but is rather to show what progress you have made by providing all of the (no doubt unfinished,_x000D_
incomplete, draft and still developing) analysis work that you have done on the project so far. And again, like_x000D_
the first deliverable, what you provide here will form the basis on which you will build the relevant sections of_x000D_
your final assignment deliverable (see below)._x000D_
The third and final deliverable for this assignment, worth the remaining 85% of the total project mark, is a_x000D_
report (submitted digitally via Wattle) containing the following:_x000D_
1. An Introduction that describes the overall background and rationale for the system you have chosen_x000D_
to model. In writing this Introduction you should assume that your reader has little or no knowledge_x000D_
of the application area and system with which you are dealing and this Introduction should therefore_x000D_
take your reader to a point where she/he has enough information to fully understand all the material_x000D_
that follows. This will, of course, be based on what you provided for the first project deliverable (see_x000D_
2. A section describing the scope, functions, constraints, and any other relevant features that apply to_x000D_
the system you have chosen to model. Be careful, in writing this as well as the following section, to_x000D_
avoid focussing on matters that are primarily technical. Remember that it is analysis you are_x000D_
supposed to be doing, not design or implementation, and this is largely a business-oriented activity_x000D_
dealing with what the system should be doing rather than how it is eventually going to do it._x000D_
3. A section presenting the detailed user requirements that form the basis for your model of the system._x000D_
While it is not always possible, generally the best projects are those that have real potential users_x000D_
(other than you!) for the system you are analysing and modelling and with whom you need to interact_x000D_
to develop the list of detailed system user requirements._x000D_
4. A section documenting the actual models you have constructed. This is to include process, logic and_x000D_
data models. The process model is to be constructed using the DFD technique and should, at least_x000D_
for several processes, extend all the way down to a primitive DFD together with its associated logic_x000D_
model. The data model is to be constructed using the ER diagramming technique. You are also to_x000D_
provide a data dictionary in which the meanings of all the important terms in your model are_x000D_
5. A section in which you provide either a UML version of your system model or a “Soft” analysis of the_x000D_
context in which your system development would take place, whichever is more appropriate for the_x000D_
system with which you are dealing in your project._x000D_
NOTE: If you believe it is appropriate, you may include both a “Soft” analysis and a UML version of_x000D_
your system model. If you do opt to include both, you will be eligible for bonus marks up to 10% of_x000D_
the value of the whole assignment. That is, if you provide both a UML version of your model and a_x000D_
“Soft” analysis for your project then your maximum possible mark for the project as a whole will be_x000D_
66 rather than 60. A word of warning is appropriate here, however: I will be more impressed by a_x000D_
project that does a good and thorough job of the required work as opposed to one that attempts_x000D_
everything, and as a result does a poorer quality job on all of it. A good quality basic assignment_x000D_
without the inclusion of the optional extra material will most likely earn more marks than a poorer_x000D_
quality one that attempts everything._x000D_
6. Lastly, a section in which you reflect on your analysis work and discuss what you learned about the_x000D_
analysis process as well as any difficulties you faced and how you overcame them, and any other_x000D_
interesting points that emerged from your assignment work. Please also include, in this section, your_x000D_
thoughts on the value of the assignment as a learning tool for this course, and any way(s) in which_x000D_
you think it could be improved._x000D_
Other Remarks_x000D_
If you have difficulty in deciding what would be an appropriate system to model, or are having other trouble_x000D_
deciding what to do, please discuss it with me before you set out too far in your work._x000D_
You may use an appropriate CASE tool to assist you in your work, in fact, it is STRONGLY recommended if_x000D_
you can obtain or have access to one, but it is not essential for the purposes of this assignment. As the work_x000D_
needs to be submitted digitally via Wattle uploaded, any hand-drawn materials will need to be scanned and_x000D_
included in your assignment upload file (Word document or PDF)._x000D_
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