Information Analysis and Finance for Business

Information Analysis and Finance for Business

Order Description

Unit Title: Information Analysis and Finance for Business

Assignment Details
This assessment is an individual report that will evaluate software to undertake online ordering from a UK retailer using an App or the web. The title will be “What competitive advantage do UK retailers obtain from their online ordering services”.
The report should be a maximum of 2000 words, submitted in Word format using a 12 point font. There are no restrictions on margins or font style. You should use full Harvard references for any sources you use.
The report will consider how well online ordering is supported by the major UK retailers and what advantage they offer, relative to each other. The report should define the precise focus and objectives for your report, a suitable method to evaluate the services, the results of your evaluation and any conclusions that you are able to identify.
You are expected to experiment with online ordering websites, download and run retailers apps if you have a smart phone, examine retailers app reviews, review online forums that discuss these services and generally try to gain an insight in to the services that are provided. All this review and evaluation activity will be much easier and more effective if you have worked out in advance exactly what questions you are trying to answer. See advice below.
NOTE you are not required to actually complete any orders but it will be helpful if you create and update orders, stopping short of actually completing payment.
Additional Information
You need to consider the scope of your evaluation, e.g. which retailers, which balance of web sites and apps and what facilities you are including. Make this clear at the start of your assessment. It is recommended that you review between 3 and 5 different services.
As with all evaluations you must think about and explicitly state how you will evaluate the retailer online ordering services. You should refer to the lecture notes on evaluation. A simple model of evaluation based on TAM (Davis 1989) is shown below. Further information about this model can be obtained from Cao, Zhang & Seydel, (2005). Both articles can be obtained from Moodle. Suitable search terms for further articles include “evaluation” & “e-commerce”. When considering the usefulness of a service you should try and think about what sorts of things a user of these services might want to do and then see how easy it is to do these things. Think about how you will score/evaluate these facilities!

Once you have established how you will evaluate the retailer online services you should undertake the evaluation and record the scores/comments for each service.
You should finish with a short conclusion that summarises your findings and justifies conclusions about the relative advantages that each retailers will gain from their online ordering services.
Additional marks will be awarded for evidence of extra reading and research in to the evaluation approach used.

You will also be rewarded for use of the features of PowerPoint, and Excel that you include in your report. List the features you have used in an appendix, e.g. you might indicate that you have used PowerPoint to generate relevant figures, and an embedded spreadsheet of comparative costs.

Davis, F.D. (1989), “Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 319-39.
Mei Cao, Qingyu Zhang, John Seydel, (2005) “B2C e-commerce web site quality: an empirical examination”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 105 Iss: 5, pp.645 – 661

Marking Criteria
o Well defined scope for Report (10%)
o Defined evaluation method (20%)
o Evaluation results (20%)
o Justified conclusions (20%)
o Clear effective communication (10%)
o Effective use of PowerPoint & Excel features (20%)