Inflammatory bowel disease and treatments

Digestive System:_x000D_
Discuss what is thought to cause inflammatory bowel disease and treatments that are being used._x000D_
You will be expected to gather information from peer reviewed journal articles.Choose peer-reviewed journals that contain primary research (i.e., study, methods, results etc)._x000D_
1. Extensively research your topic and write a mini literature review_x000D_
2. 5 pages not including references._x000D_
3. Review should contain basic introduction, the body of your review and a summary or conclusion._x000D_
4. When writing a review you should decide if you are going to compare and contrast current findings or focus on one view point (Be careful not to choose too broad that it cannot be contained in 5 pages)_x000D_
5. Your review should include evidence of critical analysis as well._x000D_
6. Follow APA style (6th edition)_x000D_
7. At least 9citations/references (peer-reviewed journals) (You should be able to submit your articles upon request). Do not include merely direct quotations, utilize in text citations_x000D_
8. Sub headings may be used_x000D_
Identifying your specific topic and generating an outline_x000D_
• Before starting your review you should research your topic_x000D_
• Organize your articles into themes that will be discussed within your review_x000D_
• Generate an outline so that you know the direction of your review_x000D_
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