For the past few decades, the explosive growth of the Internet has been a major tool and driver contributing to greater globalization. It has been argued that the Internet has created a virtual global space that has taken over physical distance between countries.
In the 1990s, during its introduction, the Internet was viewed as the œleading edge of a new globalization that was eroding the authority and relevance of national governments (Goldsmith and Lu, 2006). According to Goldsmith and Lu (2006), œthe Internet’s arrival seemed to herald a new way of ordering human affairs that would free us forever from the tyranny of territorial rule. In other words, the Internet was a œparallel universe of pure data, an exciting new frontier where a lawless freedom prevailed (The Economist, 2001).
However, it ensued that many started to question the global reach of the Internet. From a regulatory standpoint, governments around the world have battled to exercise control over the Internet by using different legal means (The Economist, 2001; The NYT, 2012). In some cases, technology has provided governments with various ways to regulate the Internet according to their local laws (The Economist, 2001). For example, the Economist (2012) discussed SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) as an example of such regulations. From a cultural/social standpoint, it seems that users around the world have demanded œdifferent Internet experiences forcing companies to customize their website from a country to another (Goldsmith and Lu, 2006).
The questions below relate to various issues surrounding the Internet and its link to globalization as well as its global versus national reach. Your assignment is to respond to these questions by only using the materials (articles, book chapters) assigned below (also posted on Blackboard).
Question 1: It has been argued that the use of the Internet around the world provides a major example of how globalized the world is. Do you agree? According to you, how global is the Internet?
Question 2: The book and the articles provide several examples about the importance of geography/location in the context of the Internet. Describe the different ways in which national and geographic borders are barriers preventing the Internet from being global.
Question 3: Describe the political/regulatory domain of the Internet. Are there differences in how individual countries regulate the Internet? Are there international efforts seeking to develop global Internet regulations? Be specific.
Question 4: The book and the articles point out to the global tension between the attempts of national governments and international agencies to control the Internet on one side and private corporations and other organizations in favor of an open, borderless, independent/free use of the Internet on the other. What is your opinion regarding this issue? Should national governments regulate the Internet as it relates to its use within their national borders? Alternatively, should an international organization take the lead and regulate the use of Internet? Or, should the Internet be free?
Note: This is NOT a group, but rather an INDIVIDUAL assignment. This assignment is worth 13 points. The answers to your questions are to ONLY come from the materials listed as references below. All the materials can be found in Blackboard.
You have between 3 and 4 pages single spaced (reference section doesn’t count), 1 margins all around, of 12 point Times New Roman font to answer the questions (between 1200 and 1600 words). There is no need to retype the question in your assignment “ just put the number of the question followed by your answer.
When you use facts from the book chapters and/or articles to support your statements, you must cite properly. The Introduction section gives you examples of how to cite.
You MUST submit your report to Blackboard. In case you will post your work as an attachment, make sure that your file is a .docx or .pdf-file. The deadline is December 10th, 11:30 pm.
Goldsmith, J. L., & Wu, T. 2006. Who Controls the Internet? Illusions of a Borderless World. Oxford University Press, 49-86.
The Economist, January 17
th, 2012. Black Ops.
The Economist, August 9
th, 2001. The Internet’s new borders.
The New York Times, December 13th, 2012. Global Internet diplomacy