If you were given an unlimited budget to create your ideal school what kind of curriculum would you offer and why? Please describe your preferred curriculum,

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Writing Prompt:
If you were given an unlimited budget to create your ideal school “ what kind of curriculum would you offer and why? Please describe your preferred curriculum,

approaches to teaching it and rationale for your choices.
Where possible, please refer to assigned article and videos viewed. Also, (through research or personal experience) include at least one example of an approach to

educating that contrasts with what is typically offered in the BC school system.

Why Education in Finland works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntdYxqRce_s&feature=related
Dan Rather Reports, œFinnish First: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvBYJBTKRn4
CNN News report on Reggio Emilia: www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVv5ZL9nlgs
Riverside School “ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH6vMGkwxsU
Tinkering School (optional I will show in class) “ Gever Tulley “ Life lessons through tinkering: www.ted.com/talks/gever_tulley_s_tinkering_school_in_action?
