I have China as my country since we have many people who travel to my hotel for business in my area from China.
Me: Hello Mr. Eng Hoch Zhou. So nice to finally meet you!
Mr. Zhou: Hello Kim, nice to finally meet you also. Please call me Aaron.
In the Chinese culture it is customary to bow instead of using the hand shake, although the hand shake is getting more common, rule of thumb is to wait until they extend their hand. Also many travelers that are frequent travelers have œwestern names, but it is customary for them let you know it when they feel comfortable having you use it. You should also use a salutation œMr. or Mrs., and when women marry they always keep their last names. Chinese people are very punctual, and believe it is rude to be late to a meeting. Their meetings tend to be lengthy and the seating is very important, the host is always to be sitting to the left of the most important guest in the group.
For my own networking I definitely would make sure I did my research on the country and their culture. I would be respectful of their different working styles and understanding of the differences.
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