Project description
This is for my Physical Geology 1121 class here’s the assignment
The goal of this research is to explore the relevant impacts of the geosciences on our local and/or global communities. To accomplish this goal, please follow this topic for your topic analysis.
I. Historically Significant Event Analysis
Choose an event related to the geosciences that has significantly influenced human livelihood, quality of environment, our perception of a particular system, or artistic interpretation. Examples of topic include (but are not limited to): a significant technological discovery, a devastating natural hazard event, the process of suburban sprawl, a significant work of art or literature, the inception of a large agency such as the USGS, etc.
1. A summary of the event or issue in your own words. Be sure to provide any necessary background information to properly inform the reader of the event/issue and to also include specific details of the event/issue (who, what, when, where).
2. A detailed analysis of the science behind this event/issue. How has this situation been impacted a geological process? How does that geologic process work, both in general, and also specific to the region/topic you are discussing?
3. Your personal analysis of the relevance or significance of this event/issue in terms of greater society. How are humans impacted directly? What are the secondary impacts(for example, economic or political)? Did this event/issue spawn any type of mitigation effort or an interest in future research and development?
4. Remember to frame your work with an introductory paragraph, summative conclusion, and transition phrases between paragraphs.
5. A minimum of 4 references, including citations in both the body of the text an a reference page in MLA format. Your work should be 3-4 pages.
6. 12 point Times New Roman font, no title page is necessary.