Human Resource Management

Instructions for the Case Study may be found below. The response must be at least 3 pages (not including the title and reference pages), double-spaced, and in current APA format. Each assignment must include a title page and a reference page. Use scholarly sources, the course textbook, and biblical integration._x000D_
All key components of the Case Study prompts are answered._x000D_
There is a clear, logical flow to the assignment._x000D_
Major points are stated clearly._x000D_
A title page is included._x000D_
A references page is included._x000D_
At least 6 scholarly sources (plus the textbook) are included._x000D_
Clear and relevant biblical integration is included._x000D_
A thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, comparing/contrasting concepts) is included._x000D_
Proper spelling and grammar are used._x000D_
Required page count (at least 3 pages, not including the title and references pages) is met, and the assignment is double-spaced and in current APA format (title page, citation formatting, reference page & formatting of references, headers, etc.)_x000D_
Brings clarity to issues being discussed and relates issues to the textbook and scholarly sources._x000D_
Make note that the textbook, scholarly sources, and the Bible are required in the paper._x000D_
Case Study (see upload)_x000D_
This case involves a fictitious company, D-Bart Industries, formed by the merger of Davis Manufacturing and Bartlund Technologies, 2 former rivals in the fabrication of precision parts used in medical equipment and airline manufacturing. The exercise requires analysis and application of various strategies utilized during downsizing and the use of performance appraisals in the decision-making process._x000D_
Thoroughly answer the 2 main questions for discussion posed at the end of the case study (p. 7)._x000D_
1. What should Howell do? How should D-Bart make reduction decisions when performance appraisal documents are inaccurate?_x000D_
2. How can D-Bart improve its performance appraisal process?_x000D_
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