How Does Social Media Impact People?s Thinking?)

must come from 2 or more Databases

For each journal article found …

* List database used

* # entries you will how many number?

* Keywords used you will write that b/c l reviwe after do it.

* APA Style Citation

* short annotation as to how it relates to your final project idea (How Does Social Media Impact People?s Thinking?)

#2 — Provide one example of ?Content Analysis? journal article
___ Provide APA citation for the article

___ Provide detailed Justification as to why it is classified as content analysis
I send one for exapel for artical you can see it and if you have edter it is better.
and i pay 10 $ at 24 H.
Annotated References
Ahn, J. (2011). The effect of social network sites on adolescents? social and academic development: Current theories and controversies. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(8):1435?1445.
Database: Google Scholar
Key words: social network sites, social capital, youth safety, adolescent development, privacy
Number of items in the entries: 21,700 results.
Abstract: one of the most affected groups by the use of social media is that of the teenagers. They are considered the most prolific social network sites uses, an attribute that affects their daily interactions. The article does highlight the impact this has on their development, something many ignore yet it offers an integral measure towards understanding what the realities are across the society the concerns and controversies that emanate from such cases show a need to understand the role such online communities have and the importance of addressing this in future research ideas. This will inform my final project based on the noted importance of social media as a means of addressing youth safety as well as youth development. People think differently, and probably, social media has a way of contributing to this.