How can teachers improve sex education courses

How can teachers improve sex education courses

Work type:   Essay (any type)

Format:         MLA

Pages:            5 pages ( 1375 words, Double spaced

Academic level:       Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Subject or discipline:         English 101

Title:   How can teachers improve sex education courses?

Number of sources:           4

Paper instructions:           

a proposal argument on a topic of YOUR CHOICE. You must have at least FOUR sources; at least ONE of those sources must be from the GMC Library. You may use other websites as references; however, all sources should be reputable, usually with a named, credible author. It is best to stick to websites that end in:

.org   .edu   .gov

As you learned this week, a proposal argument proposes a solution to a problem. So, first you must establish a clear problem and then propose a specific, realistic solution to that problem. As you will be convincing your audience that something should, ought to or must happen, you need to outline good reasons to support your proposal

As far as structured is concerned, you should be following the process you used in previous arguments. However, make sure you pay close attention to this week’s assigned reading (Proposal Structure) to ensure all the pieces of the puzzle are put together.


Your paper should be a unified and logically organized essay. It should have an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.

You are expected to quote and/or paraphrase from the FOUR sources you’ve chosen to support your argument.

As stated in the Proposal Structure video, the last body paragraph is a good place for your COUNTERARGUMENT; your essay must include some acknowledgement of opposing views.

Your essay should be written in the third person academic voice. Avoid self-referential (first person) pronouns such as I, me, my, our, we, etc. If you are going to argue that the essay is an effective argument, simply state “The essay is an effective argument” without using phrases such as “I think,” “I believe,” or “In my opinion.” Also, second person pronouns such as you, your, yours are prohibited. Focus on the determination rather on who is noticing it.

Essay #4 should be approximately 1500 words and should be in MLA Format, including MLA headings, title, pagination, and an MLA Works Cited page with corresponding in-text citations (as appropriate). Review the MLA resources in the assigned reading section.

I have attached three articles to help in obtaining information for this essay. You can also use other websites as long as they end in .org, .edu, or .gov.