Historical Implications1. Why was the building of the dam first propos

Historical Implications1. Why was the building of the dam first proposed in 1919 and by whom?2. Why have archaeologists and historians criticized the building of the Three Gorges Dam?Governmental Implications3. What has been the unfortunate response oflocal government officials assigned to helpfamilies affected by the construction of the Three Gorges Dam?4. How has government corruption impacted safety?Energy Implications5. Why did China believe the building of the Three Gorges Dam was an absolute necessityin terms of energy production?6. Compare the energy production of the Three Gorges Dam to the Hoover Dam. AlthoughChina believed the Dam would provide the nation with 10% of its power needs, what isthe current amount of power it actually is supplying?Environmental Implications7. What are some of the environmental implications sited by Chinese officials that haveoccurred as a result of the Dam project?8. What has been the most worrying consequence that has occurred as a result of theDam?Social Implications9. What is the impact on local communitiesnear the construction zone? What aboutfarmland?10. Although, over a million people have been displaced by the Dam already, what is thefuture forecast for local citizens? Is the social turmoil over yet?Economic Implications11. What was an important economic goal associated with the building of the Three GorgesDam?12. How does the Three Gorges Dam improve Yangtze River trade?