Heart and Circulation

Heart and Circulation

A. Assignment Details

Student Name Pathway:-
Subject: Biology
Tutors Names: Chad Gunasinghe, Nixon Charles,
Sue Thwaites
Assignment Title:- Heart and Circulation Indicative Word Count:
Report 1000 word maximum
Assignments for this unit: 1. Exam 2. Short report No of credits:
This unit is graded
Grade descriptors: 1. Understanding of the subject
2. Application of Knowledge
7. Quality 3
Date set Date due:
Final exam Wk 03/12/18
Report Wk 10/12/18 Date submitted
If a resubmission Date due Date submitted

Student Declaration:
I understand that copying / taking ideas from other sources (e.g. reference books, journals, internet, and tutor handouts) without acknowledging them is plagiarism. I confirm that:
• This assignment is all my own work
• All contributions taken from other reading and research have been referenced accurately
• Any direct quotations taken from other reading and research have been acknowledged and attributed accurately
• I have attached a bibliography listing all sources used in producing this assignment.
• I have added the word count below. NB unless specified otherwise, the word count indicated above is acceptable.
• I have read and understood the Ascentis document entitled ‘Policies and Procedures for Dealing with Malpractice’ provided by the tutor and understand the consequences of non-compliance with this document.

To be completed by student on submission and in confirmation of above declaration:
Student signature
Word count
To be completed by tutor:
Tutor signature
Unit grade awarded Word count confirmed as accurate Yes/No
To be completed by the IM (Internal Moderator) if work has been internally moderated:
IM name (printed)
IM signature

Date internally moderated

B. Assignment Brief

Assignment Brief
Part A – Examination
A 2 hour examination to be completed without notes.
The exam will cover assessment criteria (1.1), (2.1), (2.2), (3.1), (3.2), (3.3), (3.4), (3.5)

Part B- A short report
Oedema is a buildup of fluid in the body which causes the affected tissue to become swollen.

(a) Explain the pressures involved in the formation and re-absorption of tissue fluid (4.1)

(b) Describe and explain the causes of 3 conditions associated with oedema (4.2)

C. Unit Details
Learning Outcomes 4 Assessment Criteria 1st submission
Y / N 2nd submission
Y / N
The student should be able to: The student has achieved this outcome because s/he can:
1. Identify the components of blood. 1.1. Describe the components of blood and relate the structure of a red blood cell to its role in transport. Exam
2. Know the arrangement of the major blood
vessels in the human body. 2.1. Label the major blood vessels on a diagram of the human circulation distinguishing between the systemic and pulmonary circulation. Exam
2.2. Relate the structure of blood vessels to their function. Exam
3. Recognise the
internal and external structure of the heart and explain the stages and events of the heartbeat. 3.1. Label diagrams of the internal and
external heart structure. Exam
3.2. Relate the events of the cardiac cycle
to graphs of pressure changes within
the heart. Exam
3.3. Explain the control of the cardiac
cycle. Exam
3.4. Explain the features of a normal
Electrocardiogram. Exam
3.5. Describe how heart rate is modified
according to the needs of the body. Exam
4. Distinguish
between plasma
and tissue fluid. 4.1. Explain the pressures involved in the
formation and re-absorption of tissue
fluid Report
4.2. Describe and explain some causes of
oedema. Report

D. Grading information
Grading the assignment
Once the learning outcomes for this assignment are achieved, the student is eligible for grading against specific grade descriptors (these are identified on the following pages)
There are no descriptor components for Pass. Students achieve a Pass by meeting the requirements of all the assessment criteria of a unit

1 Understanding of the subject
Merit Distinction
The student, student’s work or performance: The student, student’s work or performance
a demonstrates a very good grasp of the relevant knowledge base
b is generally informed by the major conventions and practices of the area of study
c demonstrates very good understanding of the
different perspectives or approaches associated with
the area of study. a demonstrates an excellent grasp of the relevant knowledge base
b is consistently informed by the major conventions and practices of the area of study
c demonstrates excellent understanding of the
different perspectives or approaches associated
with the area of study.
What this means for the assignment:
To gain a merit you must demonstrate a very good understanding of the structure and function of the heart and circulation

In the exam you must be able to accurately label the structures of circulatory pathways and the external and internal features of the heart.
Be able to describe using the correct anatomical terms the structures of the heart showing how they is it related to the specific function and control of the cardiac cycle.
You must be able to explain what activity a normal electrocardiography is representing in a cardiac cycle
And what changes in heart rate would be expected in response to the needs of the body.

You will need to have very good use of subject specific terminology throughout. Your answers must have a very good structure with information coherently organised

The short report must show that you have understood the relationship between tissue fluid formation and re-absorption and the risks associated with oedema.

Your report must be referenced accurately.

What this means for the assignment:
To gain a distinction you must show clearly an excellent detailed understanding of the gross and microscopic structure and function of the heart and circulation

In the exam you must be able to accurately and consistently use the correct anatomical terms to label the structures of circulatory pathways and the external and internal features of the heart.
Be able to describe in detail the structures of the heart showing how they is it related to the specific function and control of the cardiac cycle.
You must be able to explain and relate in detail what the activity a normal electrocardiography is representing in a cardiac cycle and what changes in heart rate would be expected in response variations in the needs of the body.

You will need to have excellent use of subject specific terminology throughout Your answers must have an excellent structure with information coherently organised

The short report must show that you have an excellent knowledge of the relationship between tissue fluid formation and re-absorption and the risks associated with oedema in certain conditions

Your report must be accurately referenced accurately throughout.

2 Application of knowledge
Merit Distinction
The student, student’s work or performance The student, student’s work or performance

makes use of relevant
• facts
• theories
• models
• concepts
with either breadth or depth that goes beyond the minimum required to Pass and/or
very good levels of
• consistency
• precision
• accuracy
• analysis
• synthesis makes use of relevant
• facts
• theories
• models
• concepts
with both breadth and depth that goes beyond the
minimum required to Pass and/or
excellent levels of
• consistency
• precision
• accuracy
• analysis
• synthesis
What this means for the assignment:
To gain a merit you must demonstrate a very good understanding of the structure and function of the heart and circulation
In the exam you must be able to accurately label the structures using the correct anatomical terms the structures of the heart showing how they is it related to the specific function and control of the cardiac cycle.
You must be able to analyse what activity a normal electrocardiography is representing in a cardiac cycle
And what changes in heart rate would be expected in response to the needs of the body.

You will need to accurately and precisely use subject specific terminology throughout. Your answers must have a very good structure with information coherently organised

The short report must show that you have understood the relationship between tissue fluid formation and re-absorption and the risks associated with oedema.

Your report must be referenced accurately.
To gain a distinction you must demonstrate a very good understanding of the structure and function of the heart and circulation

In the exam you must be able to accurately label the structures using the correct anatomical terms the structures of the heart showing how they is it related to the specific function and control of the cardiac cycle.
You must be able to analyse what activity a normal electrocardiography is representing in a cardiac cycle
And what changes in heart rate would be expected in response to the needs of the body.

You will need to accurately and precisely use subject specific terminology throughout. Your answers must have a very good structure with information coherently organised

The short report must show that you have understood the relationship between tissue fluid formation and re-absorption and the risks associated with oedema.

Your report must be referenced accurately

7 Quality This grade descriptor applies to all units
Merit Distinction
The student, student’s work or performance: The student, student’s work or performance:
is structured in a way that is generally logical and fluent

puts forward arguments or ideas which are generally
unambiguous but which are in a minor way limited or

taken as a whole, demonstrates a very good response to the demands of the brief/assignment is structured in a way that is consistently logical and fluent

puts forward arguments or ideas which are consistently unambiguous and cogent

taken as a whole, demonstrates an excellent
response to the demands of the brief/assignment
What this means for the assignment:
Taken as a whole all your assessed work must be at a very good standard throughout What this means for the assignment:
Taken as a whole all your assessed work must be at a excellent standard throughout