Healthcare on surgery

Healthcare on surgery

Case Scenario 1_x000D_
Part a: Mr. Brown is a 64-year-old farmer. He was involved in a tractor accident and sustained a mid-shaft fractured femur. He has undergone surgery to repair this. His past history includes: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and hypertension. He is currently prescribed nifedipine (CR) 60 mg daily and warfarin 10 mg daily._x000D_
Mr. Brown is a widower, lives alone and, prior to this injury, had an active lifestyle. Mr. Brown has no relatives living nearby for support and is concerned about his ability to manage his farm work._x000D_
? Identify and briefly explain the surgical options for a patient presenting with a mid- shaft fractured femur. 150 words_x000D_
? Identify the potential post-operative complications which impact on the mortality and morbidity of patients following surgical repair of a fractured femur._x000D_
? For two (2) of these complications, utilising current literature, discuss:_x000D_
? a) the nursing interventions required to prevent or minimise the risks of the_x000D_
complications you have identified. AND_x000D_
? b) how you would monitor for these._x000D_
? Provide evidence based rationales for your interventions and monitoring_x000D_
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