Identifies information systems technologies, processes, and theories applicable to a healthcare problem. (The reassurance of Measles and the World Health Organization)
Analyzes issues important in making decisions on the selection, implementation, and support of systems including infrastructure requirements, structure and functions of healthcare informatics, and interface with other health departments and organizations.
Integrates a strategic and tactical process for planning and managing informatics projects that meet clinical, compliance, and financial needs.
Evaluates trends and technologies for consumers and healthcare providers.
Understands the use of technology to deliver healthcare education and apply this understanding to develop effective online research presentation and teamwork skills for a final project on the status and trends in informatics.
Identifies emerging technology that could alter or enhance this project.
Appraises information systems technologies, processes, and theories applicable to a healthcare problem.
Analyzes issues important in making decisions on the selection, implementation, and support of systems including infrastructure requirements, structure and functions of healthcare informatics, and interface with other departments.
Integrates a strategic and tactical process for planning and managing informatics projects that meet clinical, compliance, and financial needs.
Possible Resources:
American Medical Information Association
Healthcare Informationand Management Systems Society
HealthCare Information Week
US. National Library of Medicine “ Health Service Information Central
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society
World Health Organization