Health sciences and medicine

Health sciences and medicine

A reflection of my “five wishes” experience
The purpose of the Final Exam Paper is to begin to clarify your own attitudes, feelings, values, and expectations about death and the individual, cultural, and spiritual diversity existing in these beliefs and customs.
This alternate assignment is a variation on Option 1.
• Complete a “Five Wishes” or other Advance Directive for yourself or a family member. If you are not ready to do this, contemplate how you would make decisions about your wishes about end-of-life care.
• Five Wishes is available at Aging with Dignity ( Other Advance Directive formats are available on the Internet.
• Write a reflection on the experience.
Reflect on the following questions:
• How did you and your family member make decisions? How did you initiate the conversation with your family?
• Critique the utility of “Five Wishes” framework or other form you may have used.
• What were the barriers to completing this exercise?
• Were you able to overcome these barriers? How?
• What advice would you give others who are contemplating completing an Advance Directive?
• Would you recommend the format (Five Wishes or other) that you used? Why or why not? How would you improve the form?
• How did you feel? Was it difficult to consider that you might not be able to make decisions for yourself? That your life might be threatened?