In the first assignment, you reflected on whether the policy you would like to promote could best be achieved through the development of new legislation, or a change in an existing law or regulation.
Part Two will have approximately 4 pages of content plus a title page and references. Part Two will address the following:
• 1.Explain whether your proposed policy could be enacted through a modification of existing law or regulation or the creation of new legislation/regulation.
• 2.Explain how existing laws or regulations could affect your advocacy efforts. Be sure to cite and reference the laws and regulations using primary sources.
• 3.Provide an analysis of the methods you could use to influence legislators or other policymakers to support your policy. In particular, explain how you would use the “three legs” of lobbying in your advocacy efforts.
o 4.Summarize obstacles that could arise in the legislative process and how to overcome these hurdles.
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