health care issues from an economic perspective

health care issues from an economic perspective

Assessment 1 Questions

•    The following questions are to be answered in no more than the word count indicated and should be correctly referenced according to APA 6 edition.

•    The answers should be set out with the number of the question, and the question in bold at the top.

•    Each question must be attempted.

•    Margins should be 2.54 for top, bottom, left and right.  Double line spacing, justification left and right and Calibri Font 12 should be used.

•    Australian English

•    The teacher mentioned that it is good to use diagram in answering the questions when it is possible.
•    Use current references (5 years old), mostly “journal articles”.

•    Strongly, consider the attached marking criteria.
•    When writing the paper try to consider the below table.
Key issues are identified and articulated to an exceptionally high level consistently throughout written work. On all occasions definitions are accurate, clear and

relevant.    34–40
Arguments presented throughout are consistently of an exceptionally high standard and demonstrate a coherent, concise and logical progression of ideas. Theories,

concepts, arguments, and implications have been critically analysed, supported by relevant literature and evaluated to an exceptional standard.    17–20
Key issues have been summarised and relevant, comprehensive and insightful conclusions have been drawn; both to an exceptionally high standard. Both have been

consistently integrated throughout the written work to an exceptionally high standard.    17–20
The clarity and conciseness of the expression, and the structural organisation of the work are of an exceptionally high standard throughout. Correct referencing

technique is used on all occasions. The selection of references used is of an exceptional standard, it is comprehensive, relevant, timely and adequate, with respect to

the topic

Question 1               (500 words, 10 marks)

Briefly outline the trend in take-up of private health insurance in Australia over the last few decades. What are the likely factors that contribute to the growth?

Evaluate the following statement from an economic perspective, “Private health insurance- the preserve of the rich- why on earth should they receive a subsidy?”

Question 2               (500 words, 10 marks)

Evaluate the following statement from an economic perspective, “Health care and asparagus- two different markets but the same economic tools of analysis and similar

key questions apply.” What differentiates health care from other markets?

Question 3               (500 words, 10 marks)

Earlier this year the Australian Federal Government indicated its intention to introduce an up-front fee payable by customers visiting bulk-billing doctors. Through

the use of basic economic principles, demonstrate the resulting market shifts that would occur and use theory to discuss the potential impact on equity.

Question 4               (750 words, 15 marks)

Smoking is good for no-one. Evaluate this statement from an economic perspective. Explain the relevance of elasticity of demand to the issue of smoking. What

government interventions might be effective in reducing smoking behavior? Discuss. (Please see relevant short media article for some inspiration attached)

Question 5               (750 words, 15 marks)

Watch the video- The price of life

In reality is there a price placed on human life?  Explain the ethical / moral issues associated with placing a price on life. Is it a necessary evil? Evaluate from an

economic perspective.