Harlem Renaissance Poets
Any effort of attempting to define the clear-cut nature of creativity embossed on the literary and artistic temperament of Harlem Renaissance poetry is countered with frustration. The Harlem Renaissance poets that sprout up during the great migration after the World War I artistic poetry was mirrored on identity reflection other than artistic ideology or political perception which most scholars associate this period with as echoed by Sayre (2012). During this time when African Americans were struggling with their new identity, which is element in their Afro-American literature as best explained from the double consciousness theory coined by Du Bois. This encouraged African American to celebrate their heritage. This saw the success and inception of Harlem renaissance poet’s legacy as it outlined the African American experience to the American cultural history corpus. This paper is going to highlight on the Harlem Renaissance poets, themes of double consciousness through the lens of the poetry works of Langston Hughes and Zora Naele Hurston.
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