HA19 – W3DT1

HA19 – W3DT1

Title HA19 – W3DT1 Prefered Language style English (U.S.)
Type of document Essay Number of pages/words 1 Page Double Spaced (approx 275 words per page)
Subject area   Nursing Academic Level Master
Style APA Number of sources/references 2
Order description:
T. R. (a 23-year-old female) presents to the local health clinic with complaints of two red, scaly patches on her Right arm.

HPI: Started about two weeks ago. She states that the first lesions appeared to be poison ivy. After the vesicles cleared, the itching and scaling remained. She now has new lesions over her left eyebrow, and a small patch appears over her right upper lip. She states that the lesions have not cleared with over-the-counter medications. She believes she has used steroid cream, antibacterial cream, and anti-itch cream.


What other questions regarding her HPI would you like to ask?
What additional history would you like to obtain from R.H? (Be comprehensive in this response; you have no past medical history for this client.)
This is how the rash appears on physical examination:

Unit 3 DB image.png

What specifically would you assess for on physical exam? How would you document the lesions?
What characteristics would you look for or questions would you ask to ascertain risk of skin cancer?
What education would you provide related to skin cancer health promotion and screening guidelines?
Your response should include evidence of review of the course material, websites, and literature through proper citations using APA format.