HA W7 R2 treating patients in primary care in weight loss
Type of document Essay
1 Page
Subject area Nursing
Academic Level Master
Style APA Number of references 2
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Guadalupe Romero
When treating patients in primary care we will have to educate patients on maintain a health weight. The estimated percentage of overweight and obese people in american is at about 69%, low- income women are at the highest risk(Bickley, 2012). To calculate a patient Body mass index (BMI) we need their height and weight. When a patient is above 25 % they are overweight and above 30% they are obese (Bickley, 2012). When a patient becomes obese this can cause them to many health problems like DM2 and HTN (Bickley, 2012). The first thing to do is educating the patients on their obesity, how its affecting their health, and how they can loss the weight. The patient has to want to loss the weight otherwise this wont work. To help a patient to lose weight the have be educated on the food they eat, this means getting a nutritionist on board to show the patient what they should be eat and avoiding (Aboueid e al, 2018). The next can be getting a mental health involved is there something that causing the patient to overeat (Plourde et al, 2012). The patient also needs to exercise getting them help or educating them on how much activity the have to a day (Plourde et al, 2012). The barrier would be for low economic patient eating healthy would buying food that is healthy since food that are high in carbs is cheap and easy to make or get (Aboueid e al, 2018). The key would education obesity, trying to prevent it before it becomes a problem for the patient.
Aboueid, S., Bourgeault, I., & Giroux, I. (2018). Nutrition care practices of primary care providers for weight management in multidisciplinary primary care settings in ontario, canada – a qualitative study. BMC Family Practice, 19 doi:http://dx.doi.org.prx-herzing.lirn.net/10.1186/s12875-018-0760-3
Bickley, L. (2012). Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History-Taking [VitalSouce bookshelf version]. Retrieved from http://online.vitalsource.com/books/9781469825106
Plourde, Gilles,M.D., PhD., & Prud’homme, Denis, MD, MSc. (2012). Managing obesity in adults in primary care. Canadian Medical Association.Journal, 184(9), 1039-44. Retrieved from https://prx-herzing.lirn.net/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.prx-herzing.lirn.net/docview/1020908540?accountid=167104
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