Group social action project

Group social action project
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Group social action project
Your workgroup will engage in a social action project. The purpose of this exercise is to provide a situation in which you need to be part of a group accomplishing something: the broad definition of leadership.
The specifics are:
1. You will be assigned to a group of five or six people.
2. Your group will need to create a social action project. The criteria for social action here is that the action you take as a group must benefit your community in some way. That could be the student community, the community of Dunedin, or some other group.
3. You must create the idea and implement the idea for social action.
4. You will individually write reports on your experience (1000 word limit)
The main objective of the write-up is to reflect on the process by which your group accomplished its task. In your write-up, you should do the following:

Describe briefly the actual event your group created.
Discuss the process by which your group engaged with project, including
How you chose the event, made the decision,
How you organized the event,
How you implemented the event,
What happened during the event.