Grammatical structures of English and Spanish

Grammatical structures of English and Spanish

Project description
Complete ONE exercise from Part A, and ONE exercise from Part B.
You need to answer these TWO questions.
Examples, glosses and translations do not count towards the word count.

1. Consider example (29b) from Abels (to appear), the article on a word order universal for noun phrases. According to the text, this example is supposed to show that, in Spanish noun phrases, the numeral, the noun and the adjective form a
constituent. However, it actually doesn’t show this. It is a mistake the author made (I’veasked him!).
(a) What does (29b) actually show?
(b) Modify (29b) so that it shows that the numeral, the noun and the adjective form a
constituent in Spanish noun phrases, that is, what Abels wanted it to show. Minimal
modifications are sufficient. If you are not a native speaker of Spanish, confirm the
grammaticality of your example with one. Remember to provide the gloss and the
translation. The meaning of the example is crucial here.

2. Consider the pronouns of English, exemplified in the following sentences:
(1) A: Where is John?
B: He left
(2) He and Adela work in New York
(3) We bought the house, even though it was still occupied
(4) Juan doesn’t drink when he works
(5) He doesn’t drink when Juan works
(6) When he works, Juan doesn’t drink
(7) When Juan works, he doesn’t drink
(8) When he and Adela work, Juan doesn’t drink
(9) When Juan works, he and Adela don’t drink
(10) When the director asks him to work, Juan doesn’t drink
(11) Nobody imagines he’s going to win the lottery
(12) Nobody imagines that he and his wife are going to win the lottery
(13) In that island, they speak French
Do the pronouns of English pattern with null or with overt pronouns in Spanish? In order to answer the question, you will have to look back at the handout with the Spanish data, and see whether the English pronouns behave in the same way or not. As part of your answer, you will also have to consider the possible and impossible interpretations of (1)-(13).

Referencing Requirements:
Abels pp.1-25 found on: D. Hardmann L.Cummings and (eds.)Introduction to English Language and linguistics, Cambridge University Press.