Globalization and emerging markets Essay Dissertation Help – Write My School Essay

This assignment requires that you prepare a 10 – 15 minutes long original presentation answering the following task:

Choose an existing Brazilian, Chinese, Egyptian, Indian, Indonesian, South Korean, Mexican, Russian, Taiwanese, or Turkish company. The company is currently evaluating the opportunity for expanding into a different country where it is not yet currently present. You are expected to conduct research into potential markets for the company’s products/services and develop an entry strategy into one new market. Your presentation should include the following:

A. Company analyses 1. A summary of the company’s products / services and brands; 2. A SWOT analysis of the company within the domestic market;
3. A profile of the company’s consumers.

B. Global analyses
1. A brief presentation of at least two country markets with high potential for your company of choice. This section should include details concerning the impact of social, economic, cultural, political and legal environments on international business;
2. A justification for choosing one of these country markets.

C. Entry strategy and marketing plan for your country of choice:
4. A discussion about the market entry strategy that you recommend for adoption by the company; 5. A marketing plan explaining how the company will achieve the desired positioning on the new market. This section should also include a discussion justifying which elements of the marketing mix should be adapted or standardised for the new market. This section should detail and justify how the service / product should be promoted in the new market.

The time limit for the presentation is 10-15 (ten – fifteen) minutes. The specified time limit must be observed otherwise a penalty of -10% of the overall mark will be applied.

You are required to submit your presentation via Turnitin. You will be evaluated based on the content and the delivery of the presentation.

Include a list of References and Bibliography
You must include a range of research in your presentation; this may include relevant concepts and theories from text books, journal articles, websites, and market research databases such as Mintel, Euromonitor Passport, company or industry sources. Research should be referenced using CU Harvard Referencing style.

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