Global Dimension of Business






Based on your research about Russia, answer the following question_x000D_
Strategy-Organization-People Framework:_x000D_
1. Briefly describe and analyze the overall strategy of Russia (i.e. I suggest using the global integration/_x000D_
local responsiveness framework and the international/ global/ multinational/ transnational_x000D_
2. Describe the organization in Russia (organizational structure, organizational mechanisms such as_x000D_
control, reporting, etc.)_x000D_
3. Analyze the human capital of the organization in Russia (i.e., international mentality (ethnocentric vs_x000D_
geocentric), composition of the top management team, personnel solutions for international operations.)_x000D_
ONLY USE THE FOLLOWING SOURCES (ONLY 1 or 2 other sources can be added) and (DO NOT quote more than 5 quotations):_x000D_
Global Competitiveness Report (overall Country Global Competitiveness Index plus the 9 ?pillars? on which it is based: Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomy, Health and primary education, Higher education and training, Market efficiency, Technological readiness, business sophistication, Innovation)_x000D_
(use ?Full rankings? and ?Executive summary?)_x000D_
Index of Economic Freedom (IEF) (contains basic economic data including GDP/capita in PPP, GDP growth rate, inflation, unemployment, etc.; Also contains overall country IEF including 10 indicators of economic freedom on which the index is based: trade, fiscal burden, government intervention, monetary policy, foreign investment, banking/finance, wages/prices, property rights, regulation, and informal markets). This source contains annual data for each country since 1995. also has an excellent 2-page description for each country._x000D_
Corruption Perception Index (CPI). Contains data on regional and country CPI for several years.
Foreign Direct Investment Report (FDI). Includes detailed FDI flows data on regions and countries and summary FDI statistics including FDI potential index, FDI performance index and others. The data is available since 1988._x000D_
Worldwide Governance Indicators (1996-2005) & World Development Report 2007,,contentMDK:207_x000D_
By answering the questions above, you will make an assessment of the overall trends in the country with regard to the economic situation. Also, you will assess the state of the political and legal systems, and potential risks associated with each. You can use text, tables, and/or graphs. Please make sure to use all of the sources and indicators listed here. In addition, you can use any additional sources as well._x000D_
Remember the comparative aspect of your analysis (that is, compare your country to that of the United States)._x000D_
Lastly, data and analysis should be integrated to formulate your final analysis of your country._x000D_
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