Gatto Response

From the Syllabus:

¦The final paper will be a 12-15 page researched argumentative term paper. (30 pts.) Final papers may be based on the Gatto responsepaper, which is also included. Guidance, requirements and grading criteria will be provided. Final papers will be due by the last week of classes. Professional standards of paper organization and formatting are expected.



Your paper is to be an argumentative essay “ a persuasive account in support of your philosophy of education vision. I strongly encourage you to see me along the way as a guide and resource person in the philosophy paper writing process. Keep in mind that philosophy papers are not purely descriptive papers, but they present œpositions in a manner that is both enriching and persuasive. As a default, your paper should follow the diagnosis-prescription rubric employed in the course. Your diagnosis should include an argued account of human nature, and of the relevant contextual factors and purposes of education. Your prescription should include anargued account of your educational vision as a meaningful and ethical response to your diagnosis, including an illustrative analysis of the means (practices of education) to get to your prescriptive goals (the ends/aims of education). You should include both theoretical and empirical research in support of the value and plausibility of your vision and conclusions.


Papers are to be 12-15 pages (excluding works cited and optional title page), typed and double-spaced, and in some consistent standard format (Times New Roman 12 pt. and MLA are defaults). Of course, your papers should reflect good grammatical style, organization, and research skills. Do research as necessary to deepen your understanding and ability to clearly explain and creatively work with the assumptions, terms, concepts, relevant data, and arguments that shape and support your philosophy of education. At minimum, you must utilize at least three primary, academic sources, of at least standard journal essay length and depth (this means 3in addition towhat was included our course materials and any resources utilized in your Gatto and presentationessays). Quality primary, academic sources exclude merely introductory sources like dictionaries, encyclopedias, popular magazines or non-reviewed journals, novels and uncritical or introductory web sources (you may use such sources, but they cannot count toward this minimum requirement). You must, of course, use appropriate documentation crediting all your sources, including the course texts. Use your course knowledge and resources (may includeGatto and presentation essays) to provide you with the background to formulate you own vision for education. Then research and employ resources to develop, explain, illustrate, and argue for your vision as a philosophy of education.

Content and Grading Criteria

Your paper should include the following:

1) A clear introduction and brief overview of your educational vision and argument, including a specific thesis statement in which it is summarized succinctly.

2) A detailed account of your researched position presented as an argument in support of your diagnosis and prescription for an educational philosophy (see description above).

3) Develop and defend your position in a way that relates the course materials and framework to your research materials, demonstrating your good understanding of the nature and major tenets of philosophical thought about education and its impact on human thought and life.

4) A concise and clear conclusion, which briefly re-summarizes your position and how it has been presented, explained, and defended in your paper.

(Obviously parts 2-3 constitute the bulk of your paper, but do not omit or underestimate the importance of a thoughtful and well-written introduction and conclusion.)


1) learned to read and think critically about some of the key philosophical issues and visions in the philosophy of education.

2) learned to identify and critically evaluate key philosophical assumptions, concepts, principles, and positions as they informphilosophiesand practices of education.

3) learned to identify, develop, and critically evaluate your own philosophical thinking as it corresponds to or derives from various philosophical debates, issues, and visions in educational philosophy.

Given the above goals, your grade will be based heavily on content: on your clear presentation, meaningful understanding, and critical analysis of your vision, your argued position, and your philosophical research. However, good mechanics are important too. Good organization, form, and grammatical style both promote and demonstrate clear and critical thinking.

Thus, your paper will be graded as follows:

_______ Mechanics ” includes: meeting requirements for research and effective resource use (including course materials); proper referencing of resources; organization, form, spelling, grammar, etc.; appropriate formatting and length of paper.

_______ Introduction/Conclusion “ includes: a clear, specific thesis statement; a clear and concise account of how your vision fits the concerns of the course; a brief paper overview; and a restatement of your thesis and a summary of how you have presented your position and related its components to establish a philosophically compelling account of your vision.

_______ PhilosophicalVision/Position ” includes: your educational visionas a philosophical position“presented and explained clearly, thoroughly, and logically; evidence of good understanding of and effective use of research resources; evidence of good critical (philosophical) thinking “ i.e., do not just describe your position, but support it andargue for it; establishes your position as a reasonable and compelling account of and response to relevant theoretical course and research sources;assesses your assumptions and supports your assertions, and provides a good persuasive theoretical analysis of the diagnosis and prescription for your educational philosophy and vision; defines key terms and explains concepts, assumptions, aims, and values.

_______ Philosophical/Research Framework “includes: an argued account of your educational vision as a meaningful and ethical response to your diagnosis, including an illustration and analysis of the means (practices of education) to get to your prescriptive goals and of the goals themselves (the ends/aims of education); utilizes empirical evidence from research in support of the value and plausibility of your vision and conclusions.
