gallery or art museum

gallery or art museum

Visit a gallery or art museum (cannot be in the Fine Arts building).
Either take a picture of yourself outside of the gallery and e-mail it to me
(make sure the gallery or museum name can be seen, or hold up a
brochure… some documentation of your Visit), @ sketch three pieces
from within the gallery/museum and attach those to the paper you turn
in. The sketches should be honest attempts at capturing the look of the
piece, but do not need to be fully detailed (make them about the size of
your hand).
In addition, write a two-page paper (minimum, double spaced, 12pt
font) detailing how the gallery/ museum was set up and discuss your
three favorite pieces and why you liked them. Connect at least one piece
from within the gallery/museum to a piece of artwork we have
examined in the book or from lecture and explain that connection.
This paper is due by 4:05 pm on April let (no exceptions, I will
only accept a physical copy). Completing this paper will raise your
final grade by a maximum of 5%. I will be looking for detail in your
descriptions and clearly justifying your opinions as to why you like
certain work, and what work you believe has a connection to something
we have discussed in class.