Finance Assignment

Please read the attached document for a new business plan and prepare a paper to satisfy the following assignment:_x000D_
– Make a market analysis of the new business plan (About 1 page double space)._x000D_
– Set up selling price and costs._x000D_
– Financial Statements Forecast for the next 5 years. (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow)._x000D_
– Funding Plan._x000D_
– Ratio Analysis._x000D_
– Breakeven Point._x000D_
– Answer the following questions with specific answers:_x000D_
1. What are the most important costs inherent to your business model?_x000D_
2. Which key resources are more expensive?_x000D_
3. Which key activities are more expensive?_x000D_
4. For what value are your customers really willing to pay?_x000D_
5. For what they currently pay?_x000D_
6. What is the revenue model?_x000D_
7. What are the pricing tactics?_x000D_
Read below notes to build up assignment above:_x000D_
* Compute revenue, selling price, and variable cost based on current market values from similar companies offering the same service. Please support your answer._x000D_
* Set start-up business cost. Please support your answer._x000D_
* Fixed cost List:_x000D_
– Webpage dominion, email accounts, and maintenance._x000D_
– Transportation_x000D_
– Telephone and internet_x000D_
– Payroll. None on the first year. Each shareholder will contribute at no additional cost (Including Management, day to day operations, and accounting). Add payroll expense as business starts to grow in the following four years._x000D_
– Payroll taxes. Compute as a percentage of payroll expense._x000D_
– Professional fees (Accountant, attorney, and IT service fees)._x000D_
– Business permits. Please support your answer to estimate this expense._x000D_
>>> These expenses may be computed using a Vertical Analysis to generate the costs as percentage of sales._x000D_
* Funding Plan: funds will come from 5 partners with equal amount of shares. About $1,000 each for initial investment._x000D_
* Ratio Analysis: compare critical financial ratios from your business plan to those of your industry. Compare cost of goods sold, margins, earnings, and expenses. Please justify your answer._x000D_
* Breakeven point: estimate and compute when your revenue will cover expenses. Please justify your answer._x000D_
*** There will be no right or wrong answer in this assignment. But all numbers must be justified (not inspiration). Please explain where the numbers came from and how you arrived at your conclusion._x000D_
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