Fall of Senator McCarthy






The length of this paper will be 800-1000 words and the number of sources will be five or more.  The subject matter will be anything to do with a historical topic you are interested in before 1980.  You might pick a famous person and concentrate on his/her activity—you don’t, however, want to simply write the bio of an individual.  You might pick an event and discuss it in light of its importance, what led up to it, and how it affected a general outcome (such as a battle affects a war).  If you pick an event, make sure it is connected to a specific point in time.  You might also pick an object that has something to do with war/politics……a famous document or the effect a certain kind of rifle had on a war…etc.  The specific topics are too numerous to mention/list here.  Plus, I want you to consider what you already know, what you would like to know more about, or what you have covered in history classes.  Whatever you choose, write it down with your name and hand it in to me._x000D_
Remember—this is another ESSAY, so we will want to continue our use of the essay form, quote form, work cited form.   Continue also to work on Topic Sentences and whatever you may have made mistakes on in the past papers._x000D_
I will give you a few hints for topics._x000D_
American Wars—Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War, WW I/II, Viet Nam War…etc.  All these are interesting and contain a number of interesting events and individuals._x000D_
American Presidents—Every president has had an interesting time in office.  Now is your chance to investigate someone who is important to our history that you may know little about.  Check the World Book for some good information._x000D_
European wars and history are certainly fair game.  My advice is to sit down with a history book and look through it.  Try a couple of topics that catch your eye and narrow them down by finding out which has the most researchable information on it._x000D_
it would help you to copy this email and/or the guidelines page and keep it near you when writing and revising.  this is what i’ll be grading you on, basically._x000D_
again, you only hand in the final draft, which includes the works cited page.  when you ask me question, please be specific.  i would rather not just read the entire paper and comment on it.  i would rather you think about it and ask specific questions on specific sections._x000D_
i’ll be teaching a comp class on ground and we will be in the library most of the time.  if you need to come see me in person, feel free to do that….just let me know to expect you._x000D_
be sure and let me know the specific subject you will be writing on.  i can help you pick one if need be!_x000D_
some rules:_x000D_
make sure you have an interesting title…..you want the reader to ‘want’ to read the work from the start!_x000D_
when writing about a person, do not use only their first name…..so if you are writing about picasso, the artist, do not write that pable did this or that…..unless you know him==which i assume you don’t. this really gets on my nerves!_x000D_
when writing on the history assignment (if you should choose that one)–try to narrow the topic as much as possible. the worst papers i’ve read try to cover the entire civil war–all five year/the causes/the battles/the repercussions…..in just five pages—–that makes my head hurt when i think of such a paper. so consider a point in time—a battle, not a war, for instance._x000D_
the intro is the first paragraph of essay; it, like all the paragraphs, does basically three things (each para will be 5-10 sentences long). the first part of the intro is the hook section—it gets the interest of the reader….it does this by not stating specifically the subject, but something that needs further clarification….after the hook you should identify/name the subject, that signals that you are out of the first part of intro and into the second, and give 3 or so sentences of general info on subject. then the last sentence of the intro is the thesis–main idea. that is what the essay is trying to prove. usually i give you what that should be in the assignment—the importance of…???_x000D_
all body para.s follow the same form: the begin with the topic sentence–the first sentence should identify the point of the para and link back to the thesis (this is true even for biographical para.s–so add the overall concept of ‘music’ or ‘art’ whatever in that sentence to link back to the thesis). if you do it right, you can take the thesis out and put it on paper—list below it that topic sentences and you will have—-the main idea followed by the reasons why it is true—you don’t have to do it, but that gives you an idea. after the first sentence, the para illustrates the point (5-10 sentences)—leave out the I pronoun unless i specifically ask for you feelings about something in a para. it is in this area that most of your quotes from sources will comes since they help illustrate points you are trying to make. at the end of the body para. simply round off the point—you can foreshadow what is coming next if you want to. again–these emails are to simply go over the material in the guidelines page since it is very important._x000D_
the conclusion is the last para of the paper—again, it does three things, but not the same three things as previous para.s. begin the conclusion with a restatement of the thesis—same idea, different wording. then review several of the main points you have covered….and then end with a statement of interest….to keep the reader thinking about the idea of the paper—you might refer back to the statement of the ‘hook’ section (the very beginning of the paper/1st 1-3 sentences). do not put new info in the conclusion—so if you are writing on a person, do not ‘kill’ him off in the last para.! again, 5-10 sentences._x000D_
quotes are a way to prove what you are saying and add interest to the paper. most of the quotes will go in the middle of the body para.s. they will illustrate the point you are making there (topic sentence–first of body para.), which in turn illustrates the main idea/thesis (last of intro). see how this works? there is a certain form you need to use for quotes–see guidelines page—but briefly it is:_x000D_
introduce the quote with a phrase, then the quote in quote marks, then nec. info in ( ). only one period at end. in the intro–put author’s name and an identification of him. then use quote marks, except if the quote is four lines or over, then use long form (see guidelines), no quote marks/indent left hand side/period goes before ( ), not after._x000D_
if you have the author’s name in intro to quote, just put page number in ( )–such as (35). if there is no page–such as on most web sites…..put n.p. for no page–(n.p.). small caps.—most teachers will not have you do this, but i want you to. it tells me you know what goes there…..so please do it._x000D_
it only gets compicated if you don’t have an author:_x000D_
still introduce quote using ….one writer from American Authors Encyclopedia states, (for example)……_x000D_
then the quote….then in ( ) you need to add one word….in order that you can find the source on your works cited page….put the first word which starts the citation on the works cited page and then the number of page or n.p.—-so if you were quoting an entry on miles davis from wikipedia (if you don’t know who miles is/was….i’m sorry for you and you should look him up!) anyway, that source on the works cited page would begin with “Miles Davis.” so you would take the first word and put it in the ( ), followed by n.p. since it is from the web and has no page numbers…..(“Miles” n.p.)._x000D_
most of the info on works cited can be found on the guidelines page….but here is a little something. the works cited page is a listing of the sources you quote from—-not thing you simply consult. only put works on there that you quoted from…..and usually that is five, and i’m hoping it will include 2 books….._x000D_
WEBS: i want you to do it a little different than usually. it is a kind of simplified way. here it is:_x000D_
author, if there is one; page title in quotes; web title in italics; the date you looked it up–number of day, month, year; and the work Web. that’s it. don’t do it any other way than this._x000D_
such as: Smith, John. “Miles Davis.” Wikipedia.org. 10 Sept. 2014. Web. (ital wikipedia). if there is no author, then the page title goes first…..and in the quote in the paper you are writing will end with (“Miles” n.p.)._x000D_
you can consult the Trimmer book or other places for how to do books and such…..but the above should be done my way. remember that different types of sources have different works cited forms….so a book by one person will look different than an encyclopedia….etc. also, arrange them on the page alphabetically ….do not number or put little dots by each one……also do not put the actual quote on the works cited page….that goes in the text of your paper. don’t laugh, it happens._x000D_
i want you to use other sources besides just web ones. so check encyclopedias, books on the subject (in film, check books on director, each main actor, the film itself, and film histories….etc.)….etc. use our library as well as your public library—-yes, get up off your computer chair and go to the library! west wyondotte has a nice collection of film stuff. try for two book sources in each paper._x000D_
a plan:_x000D_
watch or listen or look at the subject–depending on what subject you are writing on…._x000D_
do research….look at the assignment guide, it will clue you into what the main idea should be and also the points to be covered–which will then help you find quotable material during research. the quotes should illustrate a point you are making in the body para (that point will be identified in the first sentence of the para. as the topic sentence–linking back to the thesis)_x000D_
know your para. points before you start to create the essay…..i usually have little stacks of notes and quotes that will go in each para.—so i might have 5-8 different stacks of info that will then be turned into body paragraphs. that makes creating the essay much easier!_x000D_
remember–you can check your thesis and topic sentences by:_x000D_
writing your thesis on a piece of paper, then underneath it write each of the first sentences for each body paragraph. it you are doing it right, it should be: the thesis is what i’m trying to prove, the topic sentences are reasons why it is true._x000D_
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