Evolution from Purchasing to Procurement and Strategic Sourcing

Write a briefing paper to the corporations executive committee that documents the transformation of procurement to a more strategic sourcing role, based on a chosen corporation. The paper will include best practices that enable that transformation as well as the risks and challenges encountered. This project will be addressed in the three following parts:_x000D_
Part I: Global Trends Driving Changes in Procurement Practices (1500 words)_x000D_
Critically analyse research on key factors and business drivers associated with the global trends across the procurement life cycle._x000D_
Provide rationale for how these trends will apply to your chosen corporation._x000D_
Part II: Competencies for Organisations and Strategic Sourcing Professionals (2000 words)_x000D_
Critically analyse, with supporting rationale from the research, the core competencies required for your chosen corporation to transform its purchasing and procurement processes to a competitive strategic sourcing position._x000D_
The analysis should also address the desired competencies for sourcing professionals who have the knowledge and skills to support that transformation._x000D_
Part III: Transitioning to Strategic Sourcing Processes (1500 words)_x000D_
Recommend the steps your chosen corporation should take to implement strategic sourcing processes._x000D_
Include the metrics that should be used to evaluate the performance of these processes._x000D_
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