Apparently, in revising evangelical theology, however Grenz discovers seven regions connected to evangelicalism in want of revising if the progress appears to be applicable within the changeover to post recently. Firstly, evangelical distinctiveness ought to emerge understood experimentally as well as not scarce to doctrine matters. Secondly, spiritually appears to be unspoken holistically instead of doctrinally. Thirdly, theological task should not be limited to the preparation of suitable theological proportions. Fourthly, the major three theology sources include culture, scripture as well as tradition. In this case, they should appear as conversation partners; foundational frame should not strengthen the others. Fifthly, while evangelicals comprise rightly worried the scripture’s inspiration, however, there appears want to emphasize and explore peoples belief on scripture’s of illumination. Furthermore, the scriptures appear pneumatologically mediated as well as must be equally interpreted and received. Sixthly, theological integrative design often adopted through evangelicals should be issued more considerable content; hence Grenz as well suggested the image of community come across their requirements. Lastly, evangelicals have tried to neglect ecclesiology hence the defect must as well be rectified (Grenz, 1996).
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