Evaluation of a Health Services Plan

Intent: This assessment item focusses on how to evaluate a health service plan.
NB You are not expected to undertake the evaluation, but merely to describe how the plan should be evaluated._x000D_
Objective(s): Thisassessmenttaskaddressessubjectlearningobjective(s):_x000D_
A, C and D_x000D_
This assessment task contributes to the development of graduate attribute(s): 1.1, 1.2, 3.1 and 3.2_x000D_
Weight: 20%
Due: 10.00pm Friday 29 May 2015_x000D_
Length: 1000 words (report style)_x000D_
Task: 1. Select a health service plan from your local health network/district or healthcare organisation, or alternatively access the NSW Renal Dialysis Service Plan to 2011 or the Radiotherapy Service in NSW Strategic Plan to 2016 provided at UTSOnline._x000D_
2. Read the health service plan and material on expected implementation of the plan, where available._x000D_
3. Outline an evaluation strategy which could be used in 3-5 years to evaluate the plan and its implementation, ensuring you are clear about what aspects of the plan can be evaluated in this timeframe._x000D_
The evaluation strategy should include:_x000D_
the importance of evaluation in the health service planning cycle, supported by current literature an evaluability assessment
an indication of whether process, impact, and/or outcome evaluation/s are proposed, and the information required which addresses each component._x000D_
4. Demonstrate coherence and balance of information and present the information via headings that clearly identify the linkage between the literature, the chosen plan and the evaluation strategy._x000D_
5. Demonstrate consideration for the cost and feasibility of your suggested information collection methodology for the evaluation._x000D_
6. Ensure all tables, graphs, and diagrams are clearly labelled, are referred to in the text prior to their appearance, and are accompanied with some explanatory information._x000D_
Criteria: 15% Formulates a clearly supported argument of the importance of evaluation in the health service planning cycle_x000D_
15% Considers the steps and stages in evaluating a health service plan 20% Explains approaches to process, impact and outcome evaluation 20% Constructs an appropriate evaluability assessment
10% Formulates a clear and logical approach to the evaluation_x000D_
10% Validates perspectives through correct interpretation and explicit linkage of relevant and current literature (> year 2004) to the assessment focus
10% Produces correct grammar, spelling, formatting, style (report), and referencing_x000D_
Subject objectives_x000D_
Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:_x000D_
A. Consider the principles and components of planning when devising or evaluating a healthcare program,_x000D_
C. Determine the major theoretical issues and frameworks that underpin health services planning and evaluation, including facilitating and constraining factors;_x000D_
D. Create a variety of ways in which complex issues can be effectively communicated for a variety of target audiences._x000D_
This subject also contributes specifically to the following graduate attributes:
Critique, interpret and synthesise data and research findings to develop safe, effective and evidence-based solutions to healthcare challenges. (1.1)_x000D_
Propose relevant problem solving and human factors theories to the analysis of common issues inherent in the management and evaluation of healthcare services . (1.2)_x000D_
Create and lead social and ethical accountability to enable efficient use of resources and equity of access to optimal and safe health care. (3.1)_x000D_
Validate the importance of integrating stakeholder partnerships in all healthcare decision making activities. (3.2)_x000D_
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