ESL Language Acqusition Factors

ESL Language Acqusition Factors


Each scenario below includes at least three factors that affect the students’ language acquisition. Think of the language factors present for each student. Choose one case, and identify what you see as a positive or negative force in their English language acquisition abilities. In at least 500 words, discuss learner issues. How might any of these factors also affect the rate of language acquisition?

Michael is from South Korea; although he excelled at his grade level, he does not speak any English. He has come to the United States after his parents divorced and will be temporarily living with relatives.

Anale was born in Los Angeles. Spanish is the primary language in her home and neighborhood. Although she has been in school her whole life, she does not have a literary foundation in her first language (L1), but is motivated to learn English. Her grandparents say that English is of a higher status, and encourage her to learn it.

Khalid has recently moved here from Afghanistan and was raised in a culture in which he is not used to seeing women working. He has a strong foundation in his L1, but very little exposure to English. He is also very concerned that he learns the pronunciation of American English, as opposed to British English.

GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.