Unless stated otherwise, express all final answers for this problem per 1,000. Based on the data in Table 1:
1) Calculate the crude mortality rate.
2) Calculate the crude birth rate.
3) If there is no immigration or emigration (migration in or out), is this population growing or shrinking?
4) Calculate the cause-specific mortality rate for heart disease.
5) Calculate the cause-specific mortality rate from cancer.
6) Calculate the infant mortality rate.
7) Calculate the proportionate mortality from heart disease. Express this as a percentage.
8) Calculate the proportionate mortality from cancer. Express this as a percentage.
9) Calculate the proportionate mortality from all other causes, except heart disease and cancer. Express this as a percentage.
10) If the proportionate mortality from heart disease were to go up, and the proportionate mortality from cancer stayed the same, what would happen to the proportionate mortality from all other causes?
Table 1: Vital Statistics Data for an Imaginary Town
Category Number of People
Total Population (at mid-year) 250,000
Number of Infants Born Alive 3,501
Total Deaths from All Causes 7,502
Deaths among all infants < 1 year old 62
Deaths from heart disease 1,984
Deaths from cancer 1,545