he want second one about how to solve this problem and this staff
I want it perfectly as muh as you can because he will take 10 point bacause i’m late
and read this 1st essay he just gave my 43/50
I trust you that you can make the second one more perfect thant this one
Each of these essays should be written from your changing perspective on issues addressed in the class. The first essay will ask you to identify and research the causes and consequences an environmental issue that affects your home town or region. The second essay will require you to expand on the first essay to address what actions the community in response to the environmental impact (social activities, political and economic decisions) and should be summative, asking you to express how you personally can help to contribute to the resolution of the environmental issue that you identified.
This first essay should be a minimum of 3 pages (double spaced and size 12 font) and will contribute 50 points toward the course grade. When writing the essay please consult the rubric to ensure you receive the maximum number of points