Engagement: Single? Maybe it is your city!

Engagement: Single? Maybe it is your city!

Format:         APA

Pages:            1 pages ( 275 words, Double spaced

Academic level:       Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Subject or discipline:         Mathematics

Title:   Engagement: Single? Maybe it is your city!

Number of sources:           0

Paper instructions:           


Read this article. (Links to an external site.) It is short and I think a fun read.

Did you ever think about statistics in this way? In where to move, choose a job, or find that special someone? Every day we are exposed to more and more data, facts, statistics. Take a moment to reflect on the article and write those thoughts down. Use the language of statistics and the data provided but interpret it for yourself. What impacts you? Use the links below or your own to investigate something that you would consider when you move:

LGBTQ+ percentages/preferences (Links to an external site.) or this LGBTQ+ Map (Links to an external site.)

Crime Rates (Links to an external site.)

Employment (Links to an external site.)

There are many other things that you could look at, but look at the data.

Then read your peers posts. Respond to two of them to either support or respectfully disagree. You want to use facts, data, research in your response. Refer to sections of the article or your data.