Employment Relations in France

MUST ANSWER ASSIGNMENTS 1 AND 2.  I uploaded other student answers so just do basic research and do not copy their answers. word doc have all the student answers. also mention the source if your copying words from some where DUE TONIGHT in 6 hours very easy  9pm eastern time “ nyc time

assignment 1

After reading Chapter 7  (œEmployment Relations in France) and Chapter 8 (œEmployment Relations in Germany), please answer the following questions:

(a) Compare the trends in French unions with British and American unions with respect to union density, the nature of peak union confederations, the regulation of minimum wages, maximum hours, and unemployment rates. 

(b)Are high unemployment rates in France, especially among younger, college-age workers, older workers, and ethnic minorities linked to its labor relations system?

(c) What role did anarachism and anarcho-syndicalism play in the development of French unions?

(d) Compare the political role of French unions and the role of state intervention in the French labor relations system to the equivalent political-and-government roles in Britain, the US, and Germany.

(e) Is workplace representation in France more or less complicated than in England, the US, or Germany?  Compare the roles of workplace delegates, works councils, and workplace stewards or union branches with the relatively unregulated American system of local unions.  Which is likely to lead to greater competitiveness, the American local union or the French approach?


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assignment 2

Both French and German unionism have decentralized and centralized characteristics.  

(a) Compare how the French (e.g., p. 186) and the Germans (e.g., pp. 209-10) combine decentralization and centralization. 

(b) Compare minimum wage laws in Germany with those of France, Britain, and the US. Which country has the freest, most laissez-faire market with respect to minimum wages?

(c) Describe the German rules about codetermination, especially in the Works Constitution Act, including both at the board and the workplace levels.  Why aren™t all employees in private sector firms with over five employees covered by a works council even though the law requires it? Why don™t all the employers in employers™ associations recognize industry-wide collective bargaining agreements as the law requires?

(d) Why have the rates of coverage of works councils, like the union density, been declining in Germany?  Compare this process to the decline in union density in one of the other countries we are discussing. Why are formal representation institutions declining in all four countries?


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