Employee Compensation

Drawing on the material in the background reading and your own additional research, prepare a 4- to 5-page paper (not including the cover and reference pages) in which you:

Compare and contrast a skill-based pay structure with a traditional job-based pay structure.

Were the authors correct?  Have skill-based pay structures gained in popularity in organizations since 1987?  Discuss in detail, providing examples.

If this type of pay structure has not caught on, has another type of pay structure grown in prominence in the private sector during this time?  What is commonly found as a pay structure in organizations today?  Give actual employer examples (stating employers by name).

Note:  In your paper, focus as much as possible on pay structures in the private (business) sector, but feel free to make comparisons to their use in the public sector, too, if you wish. (This is not a requirement, however.)

Bring in at least 5 library sources to help strengthen and support your discussion.