Elements of Malpractice in Nursing

Elements of Malpractice in Nursing

The landmark case found in page 36 of the literary text is Roe v. Wade (1973), which is a historical landmark case which the U.S Supreme Court ruling reversed Texas abortion law interpretation legalizing abortion. Jane Roe a single pregnant woman disputed anti-abortion laws citing that they violated her rights commissioned in The Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S constitution. The court held that any woman through the aid of her doctor can choose to terminate her pregnancy within the first two trimester of her pregnancy with no legal restrictions. Furthermore, after the first two trimester of the pregnancy the state harbors the autonomy to set the conditions which the pregnancy might be terminated so as to safe guard the mother’s health. However, the state will outlaw abortion in the last three trimesters of pregnancy in favor of protecting the fetus unless the health of the mother is threatened.

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