Writer must first download a program which will enable him/her to access the actual assignment. Should take about 4 minutes. Begin by going to this link https://simutext.com/student/pages/Welcome.jsp?accesskey=RU4c-zmb5-jwPh-Fgyy-4xmf
First time logging in it will send you to the previous page showing "You are already registered for the course associated with this access key’" Do not worry, just repeat and login again using the same information. Once logged in Download "SimUText Installer" to your respective windows or mac Once downloaded use the same login information in order to log into the program Once in click on "LAB: Isle Royale (WB)" Once in a "Getting Started" window should pop up and click on "Open workbook" With this pdf file only focus on pages 8-14 (You may need to read the previous pages to understand how to navigate through the program). Submit your responses to all of the questions in Exercise 1 and Exercise 2. You do not need to submit your responses to Exercise 3 or the Extension Exercise. Your responses, including any indicated graphs, diagrams, or tables, should be compiled in a single MS Word. Due no later than Monday October 7th at 10:00 AM.