Early Education Guiding behavior Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

Early Education Guiding behavior

1.    Identify and differentiate developmentally appropriate child behaviors, for individuals and groups.

Name and describe the three forms of mistaken behavior




2. From course readings, class discussions, and lectures, list and describe at least three different

positive guidance techniques for children birth through early adolescence.

3. Describe and demonstrate positive, respectful, culturally responsive interactions.

Describe Contact Talks. Give an example of how Contact Talks could be used in the classroom to support

positive, respectful, and culturally responsive interactions.

4. Create and model daily schedule, routine, and environment that provide support for attachment, self-help,

relationship building and exercising executive function.

How does a classroom’s daily schedule impact behavior? Give an example of one way a schedule can positively

impact behavior and child engagement and one way that a daily schedule can have a negative impact on a

behavior and engagement.

5. Develop strategies to promote social/emotion competencies and positive sense of self.

Define Liberation Teaching.

6. Identify and communicate strategies for professional interactions with families and other staff

reflecting confidentiality, respect and a positive approach to guidance.

A parent has come to you concerned that there is a mismatch between the discipline used at home and the

positive guidance practices used in your classroom. Describe three methods of building a respectful

relationship with this parent. How will you respond to concerns about the difference in guidance and

discipline techniques used at home and at school?

7. Compare and contrast at least three approaches to guiding young children’s behavior.

You are the lead teacher in a toddler classroom. You have 8 toddlers and one assistant teacher, You overhear

the assistant teacher telling a 24 month old that they need to sit in the “time-out” spot. You didn’t see

what happened but you do notive that the assistant teacher walks away from the child that is sitting in the

time out spot. You are ultimately responsible for everything that goes on in your classroom.

1.    How will you address this assistant teacher?

2.    Provide this assistant teacher a guidance strategy other than time out to use in the future.

8. Reflect on personal bias and attitudes regarding children’s behavior and disciplinary styles in order to

create a philosophy of guidance and discipline that is appropriate for use in an early childhood education


How has the content of this class supported or changed your views on guidance and discipline? Give an


9. Identify causes and interventions for challenging behaviors and articulate the relationship to

theoretical frameworks for guidance.

Develop a positive behavior support plan for a child who consistently runs from parents, teachers, and

caregivers in the parking lot, on the playground when it’s time to go in, and in any situation where safety

is of concern. (This child is an avoider/escaper) Use the table below.

10. What is the difference between positive guidance and discipline?


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