Write a business report on:_x000D_
“An Analysis of the Current and Future use of Internet Technologies of eBay_x000D_
The report must contain:_x000D_
 Introduction and e-Business background (can be based on the team’s report, improved on the basis of the feedback, shortened and rewritten to fit in the integrated report; please note that we still require it to be based on theories and frameworks (such as Porter’s 5 Forces) (15 marks)_x000D_
 e-Marketing analysis (15 marks)_x000D_
 Web design analysis (15 marks)_x000D_
 Business-to-business (B2B) analysis (15 marks)_x000D_
 One other topic/aspect of your own choice (worth 15 marks), for example:_x000D_
o Mobile Commerce_x000D_
o Social Networking/Web 2.0_x000D_
o Sales and Customer Service_x000D_
o Innovation and change management_x000D_
 Overall conclusions and recommendations (these should follow from the analysis) (15 marks)_x000D_
Business background (15%) – CRITERIA:_x000D_
Goods/services and markets_x000D_
Business model(s)_x000D_
Sector dynamics_x000D_
Current state of business_x000D_
Current state of e-Business_x000D_
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