Discuss empirical research that has tested this theory

. What revision have the authors made in light of the criticism and research? What policy implication have

resulted from the theory? Discuss examples of implemented policy.

Sociologist Theory

Many of the theories in the studies of criminology are used in this ever changing world; however none quite like the sociological theory. This particular theory has

been put upon us to deny relevance of the differences as an explanation of delinquent behavior. What has been set before us is to discount the findings apparent

to the contraire. Although, reviews of the literature presented are met with total acceptance as new theories and criminologies are constructed.
The possibilities between delinquent and non-delinquent amongst individual differences is endless. The one that is most threatening to this field of study is the

intelligence quotient. The intelligence quotient, known simply as the IQ was put in place initially to help the slower child although, it actually came in to focus from a

criminological stand point as a subfield of sociology the differences between delinquent and non-delinquent were another words taken for granted.
Most of the early papers written on intelligence as a source of delinquent behavior seem to have browsed over its significance while looking at behavior form a

socialized point of view. Travis Hirschi and Michael J. Hindelang argue that IQ has an effect on delinquency independent of class and race, and this is mediated

through a host of variables (Hirschi and Hindelang 1977.
Running head Socialist Theory
Textbooks in modern society breeze over IQ saying it has no serious impact on crime and it is not worth mentioning. The argument here is (Hirschi and Hindelang)

it is important at least where class and race are concerned (Hirschi and Hindelang, 1977, p572).
Generally the so called IQ test is to measure to a degree in which a person taken in his middle class values. Leaning less towards his intelligence. However, we tend

to look upon the more less intelligent to stand out and be more readily to commit a criminal act. (Haskell and Yablonsky, 1974:216). Mental deficiencies do not

result in crime but a higher rate of this type of child comes from those with a lesser intelligence definitely higher from the ones, or on the broader line when it comes

to IQ.


There has been examinations of juvenile records use in a small county (Davidson, Tennessee) in which two to three different types of categories were used, the

rate per capita using head of household on IQ found (per100) court case brought before the judge another words adjudicated. 5.7 In the high as to 9. 6 in the low

status group, and from 4.8 in the high to 10. 3 in the low IQ groups. (Reiss and Rhodes, 1961.) This then goes without saying that of the lower group is 1. 7 times

that of the highest group, so in all actuality IQ is important in social class as a predictor of a portion of delinquent behavior (Hirschi and Hindelang, 1977, p573).
From what is gathered here concerning IQ and its use to determine delinquency it?s a poor example of a variable. It will need to be tweaked for a more sociological

standpoint, according to (Hirschi and Hindelang, 1977, p585) there is no direct link to the IQ as it pertains to delinquency and its impact. The hypothesis is not

current with today?s data. Therefore the social

Running head Socialist Theory
theories focus their quest on delinquency as it continues to help shine a light on the social process.
Documentation of these theories in modern time has enlighten us in the areas of how one deals with delinquency and what step should be taken in order to

alleviate some criminal behavior. Programs have been put in place for our youths to go after school, and for the delinquent that may have taken the wrong turn

there?s restitution, boot camps, and community services that are put in place to hopefully guide him or her in the right direction.