Determine the validity and reliability

Determine the validity and reliability

Title               determine the validity and reliability       Prefered Language style               English (U.S.)

Type of document   Statistics Project               Number of pages/words              1 Page Double Spaced (approx 275 words per page)

Subject area               Psychology         Academic Level Master

Style              APA       Number of sources/references 1

Order description:

as the researcher counselor you wanted to know more about teen misconduct and you decided to measure school resources officer’s response to crimes in the school settings and police officer’s response to crimes on the street (both responding to teens but in different settings) How might the environments influenced the validity and reliability of this situation? (Being the officers’ actions)

Research Validity and Reliability

A discussion in relation to the findings of the preceding literatures on ………  includes the research debate on, more often than not referring to the mode in which the data were collected. This phenomenological research where all questions are correlated to theoretical distinctiveness as discussed in literature review. The course of action would therefore be precise in collecting, analyzing and sampling data; hence the legitimacy of result would be to a certain extent high. To be taken into consideration is the fact that there are many diverse aspects influencing the validity of the research in general.