Daily Leadership

Daily Leadership

Discipline: – Nursing

Type of service: Coursework

Spacing: Double spacing

Paper format: APA

Number of pages: 5 pages

Number of sources: 4 sources

Paper details


Nurses must strive to be leaders every day.

Collaborate with your learning team to develop 10 ways to include leadership in your daily activities.

Format your assignment in 430-word paper

Cite a minimum of three APA formatted sources.


PART 2: Leading and Managing in Nursing, Ch. 5, 26–30

Ethical conflicts are pervasive in today’s healthcare settings, where organizations are trying to do more with less and medical advances and life-extending treatments often cause suffering. When unable to do what they consider the correct action, clinicians–nurses and other healthcare providers–may experience moral distress.


Question: What is the difference between Negligence and Malpractice? [200-words, minimum 1 APA format source]



PART 3: Everyday Leadership

Watch “TEDTalks: Drew Dudley—Everyday Leadership” from this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.As you watch, think of the ways you can impact people’s lives each day

Question: How can you impact people’s lives each day? [200-words, minimum 1 APA format source]



PART 4: Delegation

Search the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) website for their joint statement on delegation.

Review the Joint Statement on Delegation by the NCSBN and the ANA.

Write a 200-word summary explaining three ways you can improve your delegation skills as a leader. How do you determine scope of practice when delegating? [200-words, minimum 1 APA format source]


PART 5: Professional Development for Everyday Leadership

Write a list of goals that you have for personal and professional development (e.g., make a public speech, write an article, hold an officer position, conduct research, gain experience as a manager). For each of the goals, identify the first small step you need to take toward achieving that goal.

Think of how this exercise relates to everyday leadership as you are writing the goals.