Culture & WebQuest

Culture & WebQuest

Subject: Education
Go to the ThinkQuest web site,, review it and answer the following questions:

1. How do you think the visual design of the Thinkquest site? What are its strengths? What areas need to be improved?

2. Do the web designers consider culture perspective when designing the web site the web site? If yes, please explain why?
3. Please identify a Web site which is designed with culture consideration. Please also justify how the Web site is designed with culture consideration.

Part 2
Will technologies modify culture?

In Neil Postman’s book, "Technology: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, he defines a technology as a society in which technology is deified, meaning “the culture seeks its authorization in technology, finds its satisfactions in technology, and takes its orders from technology”. On the contrary, Tiles and Oberdiek argues that "pessimistic accounts of technology overriding culture are based on a particular vision of human values. They emphasize "artistic creativity, intellectual culture, development of interpersonal relations, or religion as being the realms in which human freedom finds expression and in which human fulfillment is to be found." Will new technology tools create new culture? Or new culture creates the development of new technology tool?