You will choose a topic relating to cultural sensitivity in the healthcare setting. The research should focus on healthcare disparities, U.S populations affected, and ways to practice cultural sensitivity in the heath care setting.
Your research paper should provide a thorough analysis and understanding of cultural sensitivity in the healthcare setting. The paper will be approximately 3-5 pages of text; double spaced, Times New Roman font (12pt) with one-inch margins. Any paper that does not adhere to this format will me marked down.
Use the APA format and follow the requirement for the cover page, text, citations, and bibliography ( check out APA formatting here: Http://
You will use several sources when conducting your research. You will cite at least: 1 book, plus 2 sources form the Internet and 2 articles form academic journal.
Make sure to utilize the universities resources for proofreading prior to submission.
Your paper should answer the following questions:
1. What is cultural sensitivity in the healthcare setting and the issues surrounding this topic?
2. What are healthcare disparities and how are they related to cultural sensitivity in the healthcare setting?
3. What U.S populations are currently affected the most? Which statistics reflect these affects?
4. What are the major obstacles/challenges to ensuring cultural sensitivity in the healthcare setting?
5. What does your research indicate for a proposed solution to the issues surrounding cultural sensitivity in the healthcare setting?
6. What will you promote cultural sensitivity, as a respiratory therapist, in the health care setting?