Critical evaluation of the LUMS Report: Critical evaluation of the LUMS Report on Data is the Next Frontier

Please provide a 2-3 page critical evaluation of the LUMS Report on Data is the Next Frontier (Wong, 2012). This evaluation needs to take place from the perspective of a named technology organisation, of your choice.

Criteria for evaluation should include and be clear about, at least, the 5 trends mentioned:

1. New applications and services to analyse data.
2. Opening up of (additional and new) data from the private sector.
3. Use of Open Source and platforms, such as the internet.
4. Increasing amount of unconventional data, from unusual sources.
5. Convergence of data architecture.

The trends are explained in detail in the article.

You need to use the selected evaluation criteria to evaluate how the organisation can develop a strategy which will benefit from these trends. This could be as a participant in the trends, or as a user of the data.