Critical Evaluation of Micro and Macro Perspectives on Digital Marketing Essay Dissertation Help – Write My School Essay

Critical Evaluation of Micro and Macro Perspectives on Digital Marketing: Is digital marketing a force for good or evil? Use academic references and practical examples to critically address this question.

Word limit: 2,500 – this excludes title page and bibliography

1. Introduction: How do you approach this question?

Briefly outline your understanding of what is meant by the term ‘digital marketing’ and introduce how you will be approaching this questioning, providing a structure for your assignment.

2. Main body of the assignment: Is digital marketing a force for good or evil?

This section is about weighing up strengths and weaknesses of digital marketing that are substantiated, both theoretically and/or practically. You might believe that digital marketing is a force for good, or evil, but in this section you should try and provide some balanced arguments to show that you understand both sides of the coin. You will need to provide references and examples to support your arguments.

You might wish to structure this section around:

• Micro and/or macro issues: Relating your discussion to broad differences from across ?the module in terms of the stakeholders of digital marketing activities e.g., consumers ?vs. society. ?

• One or more theories/papers around a specific theme: Developing your arguments ?around current theoretical understanding of a topic e.g., collaborative consumption, ?privacy, ‘big data’, etc. (supporting with practical examples). ?

• One or more practical cases around a specific organization/institution: Developing ?your arguments around current practical cases e.g. Amazon, Anonymous, Movember, etc. (supporting with academic research). ?

3. Conclusion: What is your overall evaluation??

Here you should provide some indication regarding if you see digital marketing to be a force ?for good, evil, or a balance of the two. ?

4. References ?

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